name="Underdog for the Win" id=#022268 clienttag=W2BN type="one on one" option="normal" created="Fri Feb 28 23:58:49 UTC" started="Sat Mar 01 00:03:58 UTC" ended="Sat Mar 01 00:45:40 UTC" mapfile="Garden of War.pud" mapauth="Blizzard" mapsize=256x256 tileset="Forest" joins=2 maxplayers=2 Underdog LOSS Bodo_Fraggins WIN On map "Garden of War.pud": Underdog was Human and played for 41 minutes Overall Score 280456 259 for Units 82 for Structures 280115 for Resources Units Score 259 151 Units Produced 108 Units Killed 151 Units Lost Structures Score 82 74 Structures Constructed 8 Structures Razed 57 Structures Lost Resources Score 280115 223490 Gold Mined 56625 Lumber Harvested 0 Oil Harvested 181932 Total Spent , On map "Garden of War.pud": Bodo_Fraggins was Orc and played for 41 minutes Overall Score 322163 342 for Units 96 for Structures 321725 for Resources Units Score 342 208 Units Produced 134 Units Killed 136 Units Lost Structures Score 96 60 Structures Constructed 36 Structures Razed 14 Structures Lost Resources Score 321725 272100 Gold Mined 49625 Lumber Harvested 0 Oil Harvested 283916 Total Spent , Underdog's normal record is now 3/19/0 (9 draws) Bodo_Fraggins's normal record is now 47/18/1 (72 draws) Underdog's standard ladder record is now 0/0/0 (rating 0 [#00000]) (0 draws) Bodo_Fraggins's standard ladder record is now 0/0/0 (rating 0 [#00000]) (0 draws) Underdog's ironman ladder record is now 0/0/0 (rating 0 [#00000]) (0 draws) Bodo_Fraggins's ironman ladder record is now 0/0/0 (rating 0 [#00000]) (0 draws) This game lasted 41 minutes (elapsed).